Attempts of self-determination by the Carpathian Rusyns in the 1860s
DOI: Introduction In the linguistically, culturally and denominationally diverse Kingdom of Hungary, Latin was the language of education and office until the first half... Bővebben
To make stew, you need a hare, and to establish a monarchy, you need a king. Former Crown Prince Wilhelm II’s relationship with the National Socialist movement during the 1932 German presidential election
Introduction[1] Prince Georg Friedrich of Prussia announced in a press release in the spring of 2023 that he was withdrawing his claim on numerous Hohenzollern... Bővebben
The Bourgeoisie, Armalists, Aristocrats. Entrepreneurial Strategies in the Iron Industry in Gemer (1780–1881)
DOI: Introduction[1] From a historical perspective, mining, metallurgy, and the iron industry can be consi dered to have been the most significant fields of... Bővebben
The “ideal with great appeal” or the emergence and development of leisure time in Czechoslovakia (among other countries)
DOI: Introduction Our lives begin at a specific time, last for a certain duration, and end at a predetermined moment.[1] This grand mystery that... Bővebben
The Value System of Unevenness
DOI: To transform unevenness into a moral concept deserving defense and preservation, compelling arguments are imperative. The core of unevenness lies in the assertion... Bővebben
A kiradírozott színész – Szilassy László ügye egykorú sajtóforrások alapján
Az 1945. január 20-án Moszkvában megkötött fegyverszüneti szerződés értelmében Magyarországon is elrendelték a háborús és népellenes bűnösök felkutatását, felelősségre vonását, az igazolóbizottságok, a népbíróságok felállítását.[1]... Bővebben