Ildikó N. Császi: The Characteristics of the Zoboralja Place Names
The material of names from the point of view of their meaning, is very divided: the author distinguishes 25 name types at a relatively small territory, from this within the inner territory 18, from the names of waters 16, from the names of borders 19.
The author states that for this area it is characteristic that the personal names have very slight role in giving names for places. Since in Zoboralja small estates are not characteristic, and in giving names for streets inside the territory we cannot find inmotivated names that is so characteristic in the mother country, the number of place names created from the names of persons is very little.
N. Császi considers the category of names of territories, cities, and/or border parts very important, since the method of name creation from already existing place names play an important role in name giving.
On the other hand, common word elements and already died out dialect words in them, are present in name giving strongly. Also, the effect of the state language is powerful in name usage.
In the examined region, the most frequent are the lexemas relating economic and ownership history. They are present as basic and additional parts totally 384 times, that means 14, 2 per cent of the total occurence. The second most frequent name types belong to situation comparisons: 308 occurence = 11,4%. The surface of Zoboralja is very divided, that is evidenced by the big number of naming of the terrain (224 = 8,3%). In the name creation, they are present not only as basic parts, but also as additions. The fifth most frequent name type indicates natural plants (197 = 7,3%).
The socialistic large-scale economy did not decrease the Hungarian name material in a large extent, since mainly these were translated to the state language, those that could not be transated, were published with Slovak spelling on maps. The Slovak language map data confirm that dialect words that were recently present in the region, disappeared from the Hungarian language usage, they were published in the maps translated to the state language amost in unchanged form (Salga ~ Šalga, Kurdok, Poronna ~ Porona, Csetertek ~ Èeterty) or they were identified with Slovak common words (Heréb ~ Hríb